Synthesis and Applications of 1,4-dioxane from diethylene glycol Catalyzed by Triethanolamine salt of Phospho-tungstic acid 磷钨酸三乙醇胺盐催化二甘醇合成1,4-二氧六环及应用
Catalytic Synthesis of Isopropyl Chloroacetate with Phospho-Tungstic Heteropoly Acid 磷钨杂多酸催化合成氯乙酸异丙酯
Kaolin supported phospho-tungstic acid catalyst ( HPW/ kaolin) was prepared by impregnation method and characterized by XRD and NH3-TPD. The catalytic performance of HPW/ kaolin catalyst for the alkylation of C9 mixed aromatics was investigated. 用浸渍法制备了磷钨酸/高岭土催化剂,用XRD、NH3-TPD等方法对其进行了表征,并考察其催化C9混合芳烃(C9)烷基化反应的性能。
Multilayer dispersivity of phospho-tungstic acid on γ-al_o_3 12-钨磷酸在γ-Al2O3上的多层分散性
It is significant for determination of uric acid in the field of clinical diagnosis, there are lots of determination methods for uric acid, such as enzyme method, uric acid sensor method, voltammetry, high performance liquid chromatograph and phospho-tungstic acid deoxidizing method and so on. 尿酸的检测在涉及临床诊断研究方面具有重要意义,尿酸常用的检测方法有酶法、尿酸传感器检测法、伏安法、高效液相色谱法和钨钼磷酸法等。